Second Post
Second Post........Really creative title for this post to my new blog. I hope that any of you that are blog-proficient will forgive deviance from any blog protocol. I have found the blog format of transmitting information to be convenient, fun, and free – 3 good reasons to continue using it. I also find it nice to my ego since anyone viewing or choosing to ignore my announcement of new material can remain totally anonymous. It’s not like email where the recipient needs to download the message and any attachments (e.g., photos) – and then respond to show their interest. With this blog you or anyone else can check it at your convenience – or never – to see if there is new information. My personal web page has that element of viewer convenience also, but is more difficult to maintain. I constructed it about 5 years ago and it has received little maintenance since. Updating the files requires logging onto the providing server, replacing files, and then following proper HTML protocol and syntax to assure that the information is posted correctly.I got the blogging idea from my internet buddy referenced in my first post. As I reported there, I have enjoyed her blog immensely and will continue to check it from time-to-time. I initially felt like I was invading her privacy since it was really intended to be for her family and personal friends. However, we have had some limited email exchange and I now feel that I have her blessing and will continue to view the development of her baby, who is about 6 months older than Megan. I can say that the "other" blogger is an excellent communicator and has a real gift for expressing herself, which has made her blog especially enjoyable to read.
The other item that I’m unsure of is whether a blog is supposed to follow only one theme. The model that I continue to reference has her baby as the primary, almost only, focus of the blog. The prenatal development and ultimate birth of Megan was the item that led me to blogging. Megan’s development, along with pictures, will continue to be the primary focus. Hopefully there will be additional grandchildren and they will be added to this blog. However, I will intermingle the baby pictures with additional information. Pictures and possibly thoughts that can be viewed or ignored. Again, one of the advantages that I see to blogging. I’m going to assume that each of you think my grandbaby is as adorable as I know she is, and you don’t need to convince me that you agree. Laura and Megan will be visiting again on Friday, and I’ll likely have some new pictures to share here.
Most of you who know me well are aware that Barbara and I returned from a very enjoyable "cruisetour" to Alaska in June. We went with two other couples. I took lots of pictures and some video that I am committing to DVD. A couple of pictures are posted below:

The first picture is of our friends, Barbara, and me as we were entering the Yukon Territories from Alaska. The scenery was beautiful. The second is of Barbara and me on the deck of the ship at sunset. The third is of course Barbara. I have found that you can click on the photo to get a larger picture on your computer screen.