Our Canadian Rockies Trip and Megan's New Chair
As you might suspect, a lot has transpired since my last post. It's all been good, but has kept me busy.We took our "big trip" this year to the Canadian Rockies. I'm including a few pictures. The first is of the group of us that went about 2000 miles together in a rented SUV. We flew to Spokane and went to Glacier, Banff, and Jasper parks, with numerous stops along the way. It was more beautiful than pictures can show.
The second picture is one of a lake in the mountains. The color has not been modified. It actually was that color. The final picture was of a mountain goat that was along a trail that we hiked. This was not taken with a zoom lens. He actually was that close. They have lost their fear of humans because of the protected area at Glacier National Park.

Of course we've seen a lot of Megan, and she is changing rapidly. She's walking all over the place now. I'll provide some video of that later, but for now I'm including a cute encounter that she had with her new chair, which she loves.
Megan's New Chair