My Birthday Celebration
The big item for my August 20 birthday was a visit by my kids on August 18. Jamie and Jen from Raleigh and Laura and Megan (Matt had to work) from High Point. So no pictures of the cake and (too many) candles, just of Megan. As my kids know, Megan is currently the center of my universe. We all had a great time celebrating.Yesterday, I got a nice birthday email from an old (excuse me -- I mean long-time) high school friend, Beverly. I replied and gave her the address of this blog. She viewed it, gave it great reviews (as expected from Bev) and asked that I keep it up-to-date with new pictures. So I guess I'm on the line to comply.

These pictures are from Laura's camera. The first two are just adorable pictures of Megan. The 3rd is one that Barbara and Laura probably wouldn't approve, but hey, this is MY blog. Laura has gotten Megan to do one trick so far. That is to stick out her tongue in response to Laura doing the same. It is a "mimic response." I'll of course teach her to do many hideous things as she gets older, but I decided to add this as her first funny-face caught on camera.
The 4th picture is a candid shot that Laura took towards the end of the day. Megan loves the outdoors (like her grandpa). We take walks outside when she visits. Grandpa got a little weary after this particular walk, and we both fell asleep on the hammock. A precious moment for me. Just another nap for Megan.