Notes below were posted on Thursday, October 20, 2005

Our Trip to the Fair!

Yesterday we went to the NC State Fair. We were very apprehensive about how Megan would respond to all the noise and activity. She had a blast. Very attentive and seemed to notice every changing scene with curiosity. She is so aware of her surroundings. I took a few pictures. I'm posting some of the best ones here. For some reason, we all seem to be happy around the dinner table.

Megan and Scooter

Laura, Megan, and Scooter (Laura's cat) are staying with us for a week or so while their house is rented out for "Market" in High Point. Market is a semi-annual event where 70,000 buyers and other furniture merchants decend on a town of 80.000 residents. Needless to say, motels sell out early. Because of this, residents are given an opportunity to rent their homes through brokers set up for this symbiotic relationship. Matt and Laura decided to try it this year. Barbara and I are the beneficiaries with an opportunity to see more of Megan (and Matt/Laura/Scooter, of course).

Here are a couple of pictures of Megan and Scooter.

Megan and Scooter Posted by Picasa

Tolerant Scooter Posted by Picasa